Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Soul

Questions and Realizations About the Soul

For the last month, I’ve been doing "Soul Connection Readings" at earthwindskye.com and I think I may enjoy these the most of all the types of readings I do. There is something unique and blessed about every soul I connect to and the sense of ease found there is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Clients seem to like knowing how pleased their souls are with the work they are doing in this life to find joy and meaning.
I’ve noted that in the past, the soul has been approached through religion, philosophy, and psychology. The ancient Greeks believed logic was a divine component of the Soul. A few psychologists approach their work by focusing on the soul, namely James Hillman .

 I’ve been asking myself numerous questions about the soul recently like:

Why the Soul is so frequently approached through religion, especially the Catholic Church?

 Religion became institutionalized with the development of the printing press and the widespread distribution of bibles. Europe and Western civilization had more access to biblical passages than any other works of history. Even though the soul is discussed in every major religion, the bible became the early business model for “Amazon” where you could get a book easily and quickly( the bible) which  reached the most people to inform about the soul (as long as you just wanted to read the bible).

Since the Soul is spirit and not physical does the body have a soul identity?

Most religions believe that the soul is incorporeal (without a body).This may be the meaning of Soul, the part of each of us which remains eternal even after physical death.

Does the Soul identify with the body?

James Hillman said “"Until the soul gets what it wants it must fall ill again" (1976). Hillman approached the study of the psyche, including pathologies, as soul expression. Through the Soul’s expression, creativity is born. Hillman is a pioneer in linking psychology to the workings of the soul, but his point of view suggests that the soul does identify with and try to heal the body.

Does the soul ever judge and if not, how does it know?

In case this question doesn’t make sense, I am asking how the soul can know anything if it doesn’t make judgments of some kind? I think a judgment always separates us from whatever we are judging, so the soul cannot judge, but only love, pretty much as a perfect God would love without judgment. Many believe that the soul is a human extension of God, or a “spark of God”
Can the soul express itself through means other than language?

Sure, through dreams, myths, archetypes, perhaps even though illness.

What is the Soul?

Paul Twitchell defines Soul as the true self; the inner, most sacred part of each person.  I think that’s a good start for understanding the Soul.
I will be offering Soul Readings through August 15th at a reduced special rate. Go to www.earthwindskye.com