Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mantras for Abundance in the Coming Season

I always use mantras of abundance to soothe my soul and keep me thinking very positively. Whenever I focus on a mantra, whether for love, money, well-being or perfect health, it seems that my thoughts create correspondence in the world. Whenever I don't actively think and speak mantras, I notice the difference. My business goes quiet, my mood gets sullen, I slow down like someone who is purposeless, and other small inconveniences occur. From a larger view, I think these positive affirmations prevent misery and devastation in my life.

 I used to read tarot cards and there is a card called the Tower, a major arcana card which depicts a burning building and is frightful as a promise of some terrible trouble; car breaks down, house burns, someone becomes ill, etc. But using my mantras and staying positive, I can honestly say these things never happen to me anymore. Since I’ve changed my thinking, and saying mantras does change my thinking from the inside out, NOTHING bad has happened to me (although I still witness the sadness around me from devastating storms and other tragedies). My favorite mantras use strong and forceful verbs. I say “money is pouring into my life” or “creativity is flowing.” I say “amazing possibilities are presenting themselves to me” or “I live in amazing gratefulness for all that life gives me.” I could go on, but the point is words have meaning  which may be why bards of old were considered to be like priests as they manipulated words and their meanings for the good of the community. Try placing an action verb like flowing, pouring, flying with a noun for something you want more of in your life. Say "money flies into my bank account” or “opportunities power forth into my life”

Make up your own, remembering that besides money, wealth, and success- generosity, opportunity, beauty, love, appreciation harmony and gratitude are worth bringing to mind. I guarantee these mantras will make a difference in your life.
Writing this piece and thinking of the power of positive words, a call just came in to inform me of something really good.

Find me at or take my class at daily om called “Navigating the Psychic Field.”


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Learning to Navigate the Psychic Field Class Coming up Shortly

 With my eight years of experience doing psychic readings professionally, I have recently compiled a class to teach at This class will become available on November 19th, 2013.
I developed this class because I am always surprised by the overtly trusting people who call me for psychic readings. They trust that everything in their future is mapped out for them. They frequently believe that I know everything about them as soon as we begin speaking. They put their entire life in my hands , so to speak , in such a way that I worry  that if they had called someone with less integrity they could easily have been  misinformed ,misdirected, or worse, exploited.(It's a heavy responsibility for an serious psychic but I have been tested).
When I read for people, I tend to tell them when I don't have an answer to their question. If you've ever had a psychic reading and your psychic knew everything with  absolute certainty, as you by now probably know , he/she was a fake. HOWEVER, I am able to connect to valuable information about the client because I have trained myself  to focus, to empathize and to read other's energy from a distance accurately. That is essentially what I teach in the class. That, plus  how to use your own viewing screen to visualize and record the data which presents itself as you become an adept psychic. A well-trained scientific mind would ask " how can data which hasn't happened yet present itself?" Take the class at  to discover how this is possible. I get into the physics of psychic readings, I explain the Akasha or Psychic Field and I show you how to navigate it. I also include ten- plus exercises for you to practice to help you become better  at visualizing, setting intention, using your intuition, recording in a journal, and connecting to the Akasha. I know this class can be helpful to you if:
  1. You would like to be more psychic.
  2. If you have ever depended on another to read your future.
  3. If you are having trouble aligning your life as you want it to be.
  4. If you don't trust your intuition.
  5. If you don't know how to begin to do psychic readings but think you would be good at it.
  6. If you have ever felt empathically connected to others without knowing why. 

I have plenty of experience  and have read for thousands of clients and I know my techniques can be beneficial for the novice to learn more about entering the Psychic Field and returning with reliable information. I hope you will join me on November 19th at to learn to Navigate the Psychic Field.
You can also contact me at -my website with your questions or concerns.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Creativity and the Soul

Some would say that the soul has nothing to do with psychic ability, but I disagree. The soul is the most psychic part of yourself. And just as you feed plants, and children, yourself and your pets you must feed your soul. One way to do that is through creative projects that enable you to be completely absorbed in the moment. This means not thinking of tomorrow or earlier conversations in the day nor  analyzing situations within your life tapestry hoping for the best possible result. It means focus right there in the moment. It can also entail action such as when one surfs, or dances, or sculpts, or bakes a cake but the focus part is that part which "signs you in" closer to yourself( and your soul) at least for a few minutes.
 I recently made some jewelry( Tree of Life Pendants) and they required some intense focus especially when beading some tiny beads to the silver wire branches and securing these to the pendant's frame. The whole body must be absorbed to complete the project; neck ,arms, hands, fingers, eyes, breathe. How lucky we are to have this physical experience and note what true full body experience is!  I hope all of you have something you love to do ( other than your work) which gives you the chance to focus. Your soul loves this. How do I know ? Because of the sense of calm which envelopes the work and which persists through the rest of the day. The soul is nothing if not calm in its truest state. Be well and find me at

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Synchronicity and the New Synchronicity

Synchronicity -(Psychology) an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated
[coined by Carl Jung from synchronic + -ity]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Most people have heard the term synchronicity and many equate it with magical significance, or at least give it a new age reference. But consider this; if we are all connected in the Akasha , our thoughts and  intentions: past, present and future, then of course meaningful coincidences will continuously churn forth in our lives. It is meaningful , but not because related incidents happen but because these coincidences are part of a larger picture, a related picture which we are all partaking in.
A most recent coincidence for me was when I started lining up my fall schedule and noted three or four allusions to the book I should be working on and finishing. First I came across an index card with a note for the book on the floor. Then I began moving things about in the living room and three books on the subject matter of my book came up. Then I received some  stories authored by my son who has always been one of my greatest inspirations for writing, and finally I got a message from a guide telling me to get a pen out and write. While the last event may not be an event at all but my subconscious telling me to get to it-they are all meaningful coincidences. Fortunately, these happen to each of us each day if we are paying attention and these events help to entrain our future possibilities. I say possibilities because I don't have to ever finish that book, I may not ( I really will) so right now the reminders are part of a field of possibilities .If you are wondering how this relates to psychic ability just work with me a moment. Nothing happens that we don't create, either here and now, through our upbringing or before birth as a contract for learning this time around. If a contract , even that can be altered, but mainly I want to say that our envisioning an event is the surest way to make it happen. That is why you must always be positive and possess only the best thoughts for your future whether it be today's or next year's. Try an exercise:
Envision something simple for tomorrow that doesn't usually happen. Your boyfriend takes you out to dinner and he pays, you buy a lotto ticket and win a few bucks, you hope a certain person will call and imagine their voice in conversation with you. Do it 20 times per day and you are creating that event. Just try it, but keep it simple. Remember also, that while you are creating connections between the things you want , others are as well. This does not mean we are in competition for the same things! It means that some things are set in order to happen like a tapestry woven together of which we individuals are the threads and without very conscious intention to change them, they will happen(because we are woven together). A bit like a mousetrap, with a spring- some things are already set. This is destiny and though not an inescapable situation, once a thing is wound up to happen it takes extra energy to release the spring and prevent this. can you envision any world events that behave like this? The other quality for unwinding the spring is consciousness. at any moment being aware of the reality of the situation around you and not being carried off by illusion. Buddhists would say this world is all illusion. I agree that a greater part of it is. But at the core, the center of each of us there is something real, it's not the " I think, therefore I am" premise I am referring to. It's the Soul who watches over each of us even as we  text, drive, work, run, eat, converse. Our soul is always connected to us and always our best possibility of relating to all other creatures on earth and connecting us to the divine. The soul is a big subject... more on that next time. Find me at 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Guides and the Role They Play in Our Life

I should point out that not only do we have access to a Universal Library of Information of the past, present and future, but that we also have personal Guides who have contracted to help us on this spiritual journey in human form. I always see Guides when reading for clients and they are always very accommodating and helpful. By this I mean they are open , friendly, willing to communicate and always positive. I've never seen an angry or judgmental Guide step in to cast a pall over the reading. Instead they often seem like elderly statesmen or older teachers, both male and female and they often speak very clearly, so even if I've just started the reading and know virtually nothing about the client, they step in with information quickly and heroically( I might add). I always enjoy their tone and their communication. However, they won't tell you what to do , they won't tell you which car to buy or which person to marry. They will give clues as to what to expect in the situation you are about to embark upon. A healing Guide will feel very familiar ( because he or she has always been around you and knows you individual chemistry and physique very well. Often a healing Guide will tell you a pathway to take to more perfect health as there is never any one thing to do to achieve this.
The reason I contrast "Guides" with the Akasha is so people will know that they do have a " personal patrol' of helpers in all situations who know them better than anyone and will see them through thick and thin. We are never alone or without resources from our Guides and from the Akasha. Find me at

Attribution:Jan Lievens [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Quantum Jumping

A lot of really smart people with advanced degrees in physics are discussing quantum jumping based on the "Many Worlds Theory " of Hugh Everett( 1957). From what I can understand as a lay person and from my own experience with visualization techniques, there exist many possible versions of yourself in multiple universes and you can pick the version you want to live at any given moment. This methodology makes sense if you understand the physics or if like me you have experienced  it yourself. I do reality shifts daily to enhance my business, to connect more fully with nature, even to try to create world peace. I do this simply by opening a door to the world I want to participate in and then I watch myself walk about engaged in these other world activities. So if you want to take a trip to Hawaii , you put yourself there and in your mind do all the activities you would do there -go the beach, hike a trail, buy a lea , eat poi, the more you add the more real it becomes .While this "quantum jumping"doesn't put you there immediately-  keep doing your exercise over and over again  and watch. First you'll start to notice synchronistic events relating to Hawaii: your neighbors are going there, a TV show appears with Hawaiian scenes, you get an email from a travel company advertising low rates to ...Hawaii. etc.This is how you know you are influencing your present world. Just keep on doing it -you can't make a mistake as long as your visualization is positive and as long as you are persistent. If you like, add comical elements to your trip like wearing a bright pink flowered shirt or falling off a surf board on your first attempt at surfing. All this makes it more real to the point that it will or can become real.
 I expect to go to Hawaii  in the next year and do all those things.Most people  have heard of visualization techniques and most people use them to some extent. But I'm suggesting that there is correspondence in the world of physics which makes these exercises workable. There are programs out there to teach it for a fee or you can visit You tube for more information. I like Cynthia Sue Larson's blog and videos. And use your imagination - that is your pathway to your soul, your own beautiful, unique, spiritual embodiment of all you are.
Find me at

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


While trying new methods to improve my own remote viewing  abilities, I came across some amazing tutorials at You Tube. I am interested in anything which pertains to gathering  information from other than traditional mediums. I am interested in consciousness as a medium.
 I am constantly practicing and trying to perfect my own clairvoyance. Merriam Webster defines clairvoyance as " the  ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception "This  would seem to acknowledge that there are the five senses but that to be of a clairvoyant quality other senses( for perceiving) are engaged. I believe we as humans  are able access other senses( call it the 6th, 7th , and 8th senses ) all the time when we see, hear or sense things before they occur.
   I have found that deep focus is a necessary requirement for accurate , reliable clairvoyance. To enhance my own ability to focus deeply on a subject , I  require a quiet place, an uninterrupted space, deep breathing, and a short ( ten minute) meditation session. This clears out whatever thoughts are rambling about in my head and allows me to choose what I want to focus on rather than have my current mind- chatter pervade my thoughts.
I would like to say that Attention is the most important requirement in clairvoyance, followed by belief that you can attain results, and an open and honest mind  which constantly tests the outcome of your inquiry.  I am teaching a class on "Navigating the Psychic Field for Personal Transformation" which will have elements to help one achieve better attention skills. Find out more at

The Akasha and what it means for you-

I have worked as a psychic-medium professionally for nine years - long enough to know a great deal about the limitations and the possibilities of connecting " psychically" to others. Suspend your believe for just a moment from the idea that there is no such thing as a true psychic. Suppose there was a library where one could go for information. Now suppose the library is not limited by time( or space) and that any human can have access to it. If there was such a library can you imagine that it is divided in sections for the past present and future?( This works only because our brains like to organize not because there is any true separation.)  Now delve into the area of life you are most concerned about at this present moment. Let's say you want to know whether your weekend will be enjoyable in a very general way. You can look forward by opening to the field of all events. Just dial up Saturday morning and feel and see what presents itself. You may taste your coffee, hear music that will be playing. You could hear voices of people you will talk with. Do they sound animated or quiet, is it a close personal friend or someone you don't know?( Maybe a  mistaken phone call for example). Feel the day and events that seem likely to occur. You don't want to know everything precisely that will happen or maybe you do ,but at least recognize that information is available about the future. You are reaching forward into the akashic field-that subtle light- transferring medium which a growing number of scientists attribute to information storage, transference ,and sharing ( much like the Cloud).  Wouldn't there have to be  such a medium when you consider how many people have had psychic experiences ?( About 25% of Americans report having experienced telepathy).Scientists )are calling this medium the Akasha ( an ancient Sanskrit  word meaning ether or space .( see Ervin Laszlo).   By recognizing that we are contain consciousness of ourselves  and that we are connected by consciousness to each other, you can come a long way toward acknowledging  our own ability to be "psychic."
Try it for yourself . You only need about ten minutes of quiet time , the ability to focus and be open and you're there. And the world is a better place when we can pick and choose our Saturday events. Yes you can change what will happen .But I'll write about that soon.
find me at

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Moving Beyond December 2012

As with most of us , I was in a lot of emotional pain in December of 2012. I had so much hope for the new year and  for a new age beyond  the Mayan calender ending that some anticipated. I often used the mantra " All is Well " to describe my life and create wellness around me. Now I say instead " At this moment all is well." This phrase navigates the present which is where we live and all we can ever be sure of.  The present moment is in fact the only place we have access to as humans. We can visit the past through memory , the future though daydreams  but we can only experience now, this moment.
From a psychic point of view,what I see is usually possibilities, visions of possible outcomes, short scenarios that depict future events accurately. These are never set in stone. Even without the suggestive guidance of the client the scenes run independently like a film one didn't  expect to view. But just as a scene in a movie can be changed in a heartbeat  by removing an actor, or augmenting the set, so can the scenario change in a heartbeat. I don't the mechanism for thsi . I don't know for sure that destiny is involved or that it isn't.  (Does anyone?)  I can trust that as a psychic I can prognosticate the most likely outcome from  future scenes I see. But in this universe things change quickly. We have to be on our best game and able to" pivot on a minute" into a new consciousness. As a spiritual counselor I can help with that also.
Find me at

Monday, January 7, 2013

Winter is a Great Time to Reconnect

I live in the country and for much of the winter my neighbors are away so it's extremely quiet. This makes it an exceptionally good time for me to meditate, and I do alot of it. Recently  I've connected  more fully to Spirit Guides, Angels, Christ and Kwan Lin like never before. Some might call it "magical thinking " but don't we all participate in this type of thinking everyday ? We all reach out into the universe for what we hope will come into our lives next and in my experience of reading for clients, most people have very lttle thought for objectivity. I have had clients who believe I can mitigate their relationships to make them better, scare away evil spirits,even tell them the lotto numbers. So magical thinking exists in many forms and many people I talk to engage in it. My own form of magical thinking, connecting with guides, and angels, is so uplifting that I will continue to do this , knowing I'm not hurting anyone. Even when I receive a message in which only a few words are spoken I feel more able to cope with the world. My barometer as to the truth of the message is that it feels right and in proportion to my present circumstances. Recently I received a message of just two words- "HOLD ON. "  Hey- it's January in upstate New York -there's lots of snow and it's hard to get out , and the message was one that I could totally relate to.  I trust it , it addresses my chief concerns, and I will be patient and wait for better tidings( and spring) .Winter is a great time to rest, reconnect to guides and self and savor the quiet time. Find me at .

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Introduction to Psychicbone

I want to write a serious blog about my life's calling-that of being a psychic medium. I know there are some cynical people out there who are absolutely certain that no such abilities exist.I won't be addressing these folks. I would like to lay out some thoughts and experiences to share with those others. The open-minded spiritually- oriented people who  believe there is much under heaven and earth that we don't know for certain and are open to experiencing new possibilities for growth and expansion.I would like to share stories that may cause people to believe in the  the possibility of  life after death, reincarnation, the existence of spirit guides and angels, healing modalities , shamanic insights and other potentialities as they are introduced into my personal cosmology. I will also borrow directly  from articles from newsletters I have written for  my clients at website
Stay tuned and prepare to be amazed with details of a psychic-medium's life. then choose what you believe...