Saturday, December 27, 2014


While walking along a familiar country path this morning, I encountered a young man on an ATV who was using the same path. I thought about him riding that same path frequently and wondered why he didn’t change routes or find a new path. This brought me to asking myself the same question. Was I stuck on the familiar safe route? Did I need a new path? Was the path I was on working for me to make me happy, to give me connection to others and nourishment for my spirit? I would have to say there were many things offered on the path I am on in life but some things are missing and my New Year’s resolution is to fill those needs in. But as an “over -50 woman”, I have discovered that drastic change is too jolting to the body and the psyche though it may sometimes be forced upon us as in natural disasters, accidents, relationship break-ups etc. Of all the events I have experienced in my life those that came suddenly were the hardest to bear and took the longest to recover from. So my thought is to proceed slowly and meticulously with a plan in mind towards the change I want. And my greatest resource will be my desire for greater well-being and my consciousness that I know myself very well. Desire as an emotion has energy (perhaps even mass) and can fan the flames of my change. So I’m glad I encountered the ATV rider on the path we were both using and I’m glad to light a fire under my newly stated desire for change and I think I won’t even wait till January 1st, 2015. I’ll start planning and designing and desiring right now!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gestation Crates and Reincarnation

I recently learned that in the business of raising pigs for human consumption, the female pigs live 80% of their lives  in a crate which is 2 feet wide and 7 feet long. These crates are called "gestation crates." The  pregnant female pigs can't move or even lie down and they can go mad from the stress. New Jersey is awaiting the governor' vote on this( Chris Christy) and  in New Jersey most legislators have voted to ban the practice.  There has been an uproar of people observing " they can't even turn around!" and proponents of the practice are so insensitive that they ask -"did anyone ask the pig if he wanted to turn around?" The crate is so small that the pig can only always stand in one position and not even be able to lie down. What if this were turned on the pig farmers, say in their next reincarnation?  What if they were forced to live their entire life incarcerated in a 2x7 foot cage as a pig themselves?( The ugliest thing about a pig is the manner in which  they are raised by callous humans).
 I don't know everything about reincarnation ( no one does) but I feel certain that a person's actions in this life reflect their soul growth AND what joy and well-being they will experience in the next. Some believe that in reincarnation you always evolve upward but that seems to be tied into the science of evolution: from less complex life -forms to more  complex life forms( an ameba vs. an elephant). My personal observation from past-life readings I have done is that there are many young souls out there who haven't inhabited a human body past just one reincarnation ( their present one). Why wouldn't it be possible to incarnate into a simpler form of life if the best way for someone to learn compassion might be to suffer as those you torture have( in this case pigs)?So pig farmers everywhere- beware your condescending attitude towards animal lovers and the pigs themselves. While you already manifest many qualities we ascribe to pigs( hoarding behavior, gluttony) to actually live the tortured life of a gestating pig might be just the thing to teach you compassion and respect for other creatures. And if you are a politician you already know that what goes around comes around.
For more on this national travesty read:


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Numinosity-The Sacred in Everyday Life

Numinosity -The Sacred in Everyday Life

 “Numinosity” is a word I created from the root word “numinous” and means having an awareness of things of a divine, supernatural, or sacred nature. Each of us are connected to the sacred and are capable of experiencing it every day. 

Think back to the last time that you were amazed by something that you witnessed; a shimmering rainbow, a highly synchronistic event, a stroke of divine providence. Besides being surprised, do you remember the feelings of awe or gratitude you felt? Numinous events in our lives are the glue that holds the world together (and not the Internet).

Numinosity is the deliberate attention to the sacred all around us.  In the act of noticing sacred events around us, we live more dynamic lives and connect to our own divinity. We appreciate everything around us with a greater sense of excitement and joy. Numinous events do not happen because we are watching and waiting for them- they happen all the time. But they are not subject to human law or the “Law of Attraction.”   We cannot “call” numinous events to us just like we (under ordinary circumstances) can’t call the wind. But by being open and with greater awareness and regard for the sacred quality of existence, we can experience numinous events more often. You also need to safeguard your experiences.

You might note that in our culture (in the U.S.) that reference to the numinous is often ridiculed by the media. Also, many aspects of present- day culture contaminate the numinous (when was the last time you sat to meditate and had your cell phone ring?). We can also experience a sort of contamination when we share with acquaintances our deeply moving numinous experiences and they miss the point and doubt us. It might be a good idea to shield yourself from casual scrutiny and hold your numinous experiences in a “sacred space”- keep a journal, record the event, or even create an artful expression of it like a drawing or painting.

Your life experiences are a signature of your uniqueness. Numinosity can give you a greater regard for the mystery and the miracle of all life. What could be more fulfilling than exercising numinosity each day?

An exercise for enhancing your own numinosity:

Sit in one place for 5 minutes with your phone off, and in silence. Allow your aura (that subtle energy field around your body) to expand. Feel it osmose outward to connect with surrounding atoms and molecules. Breathe deeply. Relax your throat, shoulders, neck, arms, hands, torso, legs, and feet. Let your attention drift to your environment; the sense of deep relaxation which allows you to breathe deeper, the well-being emanating from your body in this quiet space.  Now choose one thing in your auric field to focus on: a glass, a flower, a paper clip-any one thing. Disassemble this object as if you were breaking it down molecule by molecule. Let its parts scatter from the center outward. For a moment it may seem that the object has disappeared, at least in spirit. Then reconnect all the parts and bring the object back to wholeness. The idea is to connect to the subtle energy of one thing and eventually to everything around you a bit at a time. As we note the subtle energy of objects in physical reality, we can see how an object changes each moment into its numinous essence (because all things have a sacred essence).That glass, that flower, that paper clip, will never seem the same again. The awareness you just experienced will promote your ability to note subtle changes which always presage a numinous event. To finish your exercise in numinosity take a few deep deep breaths and feel gratitude or just say “thank you” to the Universe for allowing your participation in appreciating the subtle energy of a sacred object. Time to get up and move around; walk, dance, do a yoga pose! 

The above excerpt is part of a class called “Numinosity: Your Connection to the Sacred” which I will be offering in the future.
Have a Thanksgiving Season filled with Blessings-

Margaret Saxon –

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Working With Guides for the Ultimate Trust Experience

 My recent work has involved Guides and how they help us fulfill our lives, enhance our health, and bring us all manner of guidance. Each guide specifically chooses to work with you, some work with you all your life, (Protector Guides) and each of your guides is absolutely connected to you until you no longer need them.

Recently I called my bank to get my balance and I was overdrawn! I panicked while trying to figure out why, but banks were closed for Columbus Day and it could not be resolved until the next day. My Guide, (in this case my Protector Guide) literally touched me on my shoulder blade and said” it’ll be alright”. Well, it was, the bank had made an error, and listening fully to my guide would have saved me needless worry and anxiety. So the lesson was not only LISTEN but TRUST because guides wouldn’t be there for us if they weren’t also endowed with the ability to help us. I am sure that our guides operate at a high level within the Akasha to do their work. So this month as a testament to my deep appreciation for all the guides who have helped me through life I am offering a reading called “Meet Your Guides”-where I will connect to three guides who operate to help you in your life. I will help you understand each guide’s function; some guides offer health support and healing, some offer business acumen, some help create relationships we need for growth, some are what I call “Guild Guides” who help us with a craft or skill.  I will describe to you how they appear in the physical world, so you may visualize them for future reference.  I will help you discover what your own best “clair” is-whether you are more clairvoyant, clairaudient, or clairsentient, so you may accurately communicate with your guides. Finally I will bring you some useful messages from three guides with the suggestion that you record and watch for confirmation of their guidance in the near future (1 week to 6 months). If you didn’t know you had guides or if you can’t seem to communicate with them, this reading will help increase your connection to them, renew your faith in them and open up new possibilities for working with them to enhance your life. Please go to my website for more information.
Margaret Saxon


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Soul

Questions and Realizations About the Soul

For the last month, I’ve been doing "Soul Connection Readings" at and I think I may enjoy these the most of all the types of readings I do. There is something unique and blessed about every soul I connect to and the sense of ease found there is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Clients seem to like knowing how pleased their souls are with the work they are doing in this life to find joy and meaning.
I’ve noted that in the past, the soul has been approached through religion, philosophy, and psychology. The ancient Greeks believed logic was a divine component of the Soul. A few psychologists approach their work by focusing on the soul, namely James Hillman .

 I’ve been asking myself numerous questions about the soul recently like:

Why the Soul is so frequently approached through religion, especially the Catholic Church?

 Religion became institutionalized with the development of the printing press and the widespread distribution of bibles. Europe and Western civilization had more access to biblical passages than any other works of history. Even though the soul is discussed in every major religion, the bible became the early business model for “Amazon” where you could get a book easily and quickly( the bible) which  reached the most people to inform about the soul (as long as you just wanted to read the bible).

Since the Soul is spirit and not physical does the body have a soul identity?

Most religions believe that the soul is incorporeal (without a body).This may be the meaning of Soul, the part of each of us which remains eternal even after physical death.

Does the Soul identify with the body?

James Hillman said “"Until the soul gets what it wants it must fall ill again" (1976). Hillman approached the study of the psyche, including pathologies, as soul expression. Through the Soul’s expression, creativity is born. Hillman is a pioneer in linking psychology to the workings of the soul, but his point of view suggests that the soul does identify with and try to heal the body.

Does the soul ever judge and if not, how does it know?

In case this question doesn’t make sense, I am asking how the soul can know anything if it doesn’t make judgments of some kind? I think a judgment always separates us from whatever we are judging, so the soul cannot judge, but only love, pretty much as a perfect God would love without judgment. Many believe that the soul is a human extension of God, or a “spark of God”
Can the soul express itself through means other than language?

Sure, through dreams, myths, archetypes, perhaps even though illness.

What is the Soul?

Paul Twitchell defines Soul as the true self; the inner, most sacred part of each person.  I think that’s a good start for understanding the Soul.
I will be offering Soul Readings through August 15th at a reduced special rate. Go to

Monday, June 9, 2014

Is Bliss Compatable with Everyday Life?

Is Bliss Compatible with Everyday Life?

I have recently experienced some amazingly blissful moments. Some of these extend for an hour or more and during this time I feel no sense of urgency to do anything. I just want to experience absolute well-being while breathing in deeply. But THEN I decide to get in my car and drive while still in that blissful state and this doesn’t seem to work. I can’t attend to the major functions of coordinating and watching for all the warning lights, traffic patterns and the need to “get somewhere.” So I am asking the question   “Is bliss compatible with everyday life? Because if it’s not I have to plan safeguards when I get carried into bliss and if it is then I would like to spend more time in bliss.

  I think “bliss” presupposes that there is nothing to be afraid of and nothing to be done but experience the moment. So how is the state of bliss different from the reality of everyday life? Everyday life has so many components and complexities that there is no comparison to that state where I am applying for health insurance, or paying my online phone bill ( grrrrr) and the blissful state where I see everything around me as perfect, beautiful, and eternal. Is it a worthy endeavor to detach from reality long enough to experience bliss?” And is it safe to leave the rational left brain area to do so?

In my estimation of what is worth pursuing, I find that moments of complete happiness are rare in life and that they are very healing and sustaining. Thoughts of that blissful state may sustain me through the next life challenge such as a job change or an illness. It may even provide a roadmap for me to return to the state of bliss again so I may more easily find it no matter what is going on in my life.

To the second question, I would say it’s safe to become blissful if you don’t drive or work machinery or technology. You can still operate your pc but you will not enter bliss while doing so. (My opinion is that technology is the anathema of bliss). Is it safe to disconnect from life long enough to entertain that feeling of total well-being and a knowing at least for the moment that life is perfect? I think it is better to experience these feelings than to experience almost anything else (except perhaps deep love). I can’t prescribe for everyone how to approach bliss. All I know is that it’s worth it to me to be there, to visit that state of perfect calm and peace and I would like to go there often even if it means I don’t get anywhere that day or learn what amazing events happened on AOL while I was experiencing that sensation of ultimate well-being.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Do Our Emotions Effect Our DNA?

While having a seriously quiet and peaceful day I embarked on the challenge of finishing a book about physics I picked up called" The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden. He and other leading- edge New Age thinkers are asking whether our emotions effect our DNA ( for at least 10 years).I won't cite experiments that show this DOES happen but I would like to affirm how many different ways this makes sense and explains A LOT.
Like why anger tends to make people sick other than the obvious effects of  high blood pressure. Why distance healing by a positive agent( a spiritual healer who isn't charging mindless money)works. Why we can effect events in our lives simply through positive thoughts or even a simple positive mantra like " All Is Well."
Any of these effects can only be explained by acknowledging that the "divine" connection ( if you like ) which we all enjoy is the operative condition which makes seemingly disparate things effect each other endlessly. This divine connection is a "web like a spider web involving everything that exists( shamans have seen this web in traditional  Ayahuasca ceremonies) . You cannot be outside of it or loose your connection to it. And  so my fear about finances produces one response as it effects and reverberates through the web whereas my belief that everything will work out produces ( even influences ) another response . If this were true - then we would all go for the second choice-it's the same old "Power of Positive Thinking " over again. But how does one get into the mode where only positive thoughts exist and send positive vibrations outward?
At the center of your being ONLY positive thoughts about your existence exist. It's just trying to find that center through layers of "stuff" that's difficult for some. Meditation on a daily basis is the best way. Yoga also works. Communing with nature also works. Quiet is a really good conduit to connect to your self. But which ever approach you try, just know that everyone has a center and everyone can connect to it- to the end of finding that peaceful, life-affirming place where your soul abides and is connected to every other soul . Where there is healing and balance and no lack or fear. Where you can have the most positive effect on your DNA which you aid through your most positive thoughts.
Be Well- Margaret Saxon
Take my class at -" Navigating the Psychic Field"  for $1.00!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Is Kindness Linked to Optimal Use of the Brain?

I have been thinking about kindness recently and how much easier the day goes when I apply it whether it’s by speaking softly and lovingly to my dogs, being patient with the guy at Walmart while he locates my new tires, or when speaking to a client whose pain body is brilliantly “lit up” as they complain about how they are being treated.

 I have some new theories on how the brain operates. While in the past, I thought that feeling positive was best energetically for psychic work, I now think it’s possible that the positive energy works because it allows more of the brain to be utilized. Fear or anxiety may shut down valuable access to brain areas which are called upon for enhanced psychic work. New Age theory has for some time embraced the “positive energy theory” because it aligns to higher vibration (where angels, guides and spirits operate).While I would never discount our access to angels, guides and spirits, the explanation for feeling positive may be much simpler and may be connected to optimal use of neural pathways within our own brain. Current brain research shows that there are great variations in how much each of us uses of our brain, and vast differences between one person and another and how each uses their brain. I saw this when I worked in the neurology ward of a V.A. Hospital. This is especially true when people have experienced trauma. Their access to portions of the brain can actually be much more limited. Which is another good argument for meditation to “heal” and quiet the brain and centers like the limbic system and the hippocampus so these areas can “light up” as they formerly did. You can actually feel this “lit up” enhancement when you are having a really good day, feel supported, know that all is well, are looking forward to something and feeling grateful( constant attention to gratitude). The pace of outward activity may even become slower, while the brain is more active, equaling CONSCIOUSNESS. That elusive quality of consciousness that more and more of us are attending to is the link between our bodies and others and between ourselves and God  which some call Source Energy).

So the next day you are able to apply some purposeful kindness; let someone ahead of you in line, help an elderly person with their groceries, speak kindly with someone who is having a bad day and feel how more of your brain lights up. If done consistently, imagine the streaming effects of using more areas of the brain at once and where that might lead for each of you. And if you don’t have time to work on your consciousness right now, you can always call me to help you answer your questions about the future.

Blessings to all-

Margaret Saxon

Is There Good and Evil in the Akasha?

Good and Evil in the Akasha?

Is there good and evil in the Akasha? Well, yes, but that is not a classification system used in the Akasha. In other words you can’t search for “Top Ten Evil Deeds” and get an answer in the Akasha. Interesting how everything becomes very personal in the Akasha, so you could search for your own top ten best deeds by your name alone and you could encounter them and of course judge them for yourself (or not judge yourself, your choice). I asked this question because I encounter people in my work (sometimes) who still use terms like “evil” to describe people around them and I began to ask how the akasha classifies “evil.” Words like “good” and “evil” suggest morality in a religious, even Christian sense. The Akasha does not align with religious precepts but rather with physics and physical reality. In the same way that understanding the “Big Bang Theory” does not include biblical study. Just as a good library shows all points of view through its holdings so does the Akasha show a complete documentation of all that has occurred, all that is occurring and all that will occur. But if the information is classified by subject matter, it is more easily found by use of a personal name. (Just like it’s easier to find a book if you know the author).  I always use my given name as it appears on my birth certificate when accessing information  around and about myself while others who work in the Akasha prefer different “search terms”  such as legal name, married name, etc. My experience is that the person I was named as at birth is the most recognizable part of me. This applies to the Akasha, and to working with guides, spirits, Teachers, and Masters. But isn’t it amazing how easily one can connect to the Akasha with the use of a name? If you haven’t tried it, take some time to take a class on connecting to the Akasha or review my class on “Navigating the Psychic Field” to connect to future events. How amazing that the Universe manages data somewhat like a search engine, making it accessible to all with a little training.

This month’s Special is any reading I offer on my site for $50.00 for 50 minutes. This includes Psychic Medium Readings, Worthiness Package, Life-Path Readings, and Pet Readings.


Margaret Saxon

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring! And a Metaphor for Focus

Spring! Walking some trails today in upstate New York- I see that it’s not gorgeous yet but the anticipation is building. To find the color "green" you have to really look-either at the pine trees or the ferns along the ground, or at spotty patches of grass which are just turning, but it FEELS PROMISING.
As my Springers and I walked along a canal there were Canadian Geese and Wood -Ducks, a Redwing-Blackbird, and along the path a reddish looking Garter Snake and a small Box Turtle as big as my fist. To me the most definite expressions of the change of seasons is not the calendar but the signs of life bursting out everywhere and not a moment too soon. I was not going to function at full capacity until I could enjoy a shift from the darkness and cold as I hibernated in my house.

While hibernating on a cold April day, I was meditating and came across a really useful technique. This technique is to help with focus. Lack of focus is probably the scourge of the Age of Technology as we multitask between IPad, IPod, cell phone calls, text messages, You tube videos, the Internet, Facebook, Twitter and on and on. It’s a wonder anyone focuses on an appointed task at all. And this is what was shown to me in the meditation. I saw a metronome and I saw it traversing back and forth and then I saw it pressed to the center. There is your focal point. When you are working on a centering thought anything but dead center is a distraction. Each time you move from that centering thought you are distracted. Try using the metronome metaphor for the next focused thought you have or need to have and see if it doesn’t help you stay with the centering thought. I will use it for manifestation, but one could use it for that, or to problem solve, or to brainstorm, or in any one of thousands of ways. Remember to stay centered and not let your thoughts shift your mind from side to side- back and forth. The center is where it’s at –whatever your centering thought is.

Be sure to check out my video at You tube A focus on Abundance:
This video is inspiring and the images will move the energy within you to
Bye for now-Margaret Saxon

Saturday, April 5, 2014

When a Pet Passes and How a Medium Might Handle It

I’ve been watching my beautiful old Springer Spaniel “Porter” recently and am sorry to say and even think that he may pass on sometime soon. Sometimes he sits on the floor in the living room (although he is allowed on the couch) and he looks lost like he is a thousand miles away. When I call to him, he doesn’t hear me. When we go for walks I have to keep him close because his eyesight has deteriorated and he can only see about 50 feet ahead of him. He’s always so happy to run up and “find” me close by again.  

So I am preparing for the best outcome… that he will pass over to Source energy- to the place he came from, where he was created in absolute perfection to be the unique and amazing dog he is. To let him go will require all the generosity I can gather together on that one day and for all succeeding days when I will absolutely miss his physical presence. The way he looks at me when I ask him a question like we’re both on the same page. The little tuft of brown fur on the top of his head that has never stayed down. The way he barks me awake in the morning because he has things to do and places to go. The way he balls up into a cluster of fur with his feet in the air on my bed and sleeps so peacefully while I reach over and kiss him softly on the nose.  I hope I will be gracious and allow him to pass in peace and understanding as all Spirits pass. I know his energy on the other side will make that place brighter and happier just as his Soul energy on this side has brought countless moments of joy and love to me. In the midst of the loss of my parents, financial challenges, and relationship loss, he has always been there for me. His little teddy- bear face standing like a sentry between me and the world. His amazing energy and enthusiasm has always been a source of inspiration for me for which I can never repay him. When he crosses over,I know he will have all the freedom he needs to run and leap and bound and spread new joy in his new home. I just want to thank him for coming to me, for every day he spent time with me and for his entirely generous Soul.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Antahkara- Pathway to the Higher Self

This week, I thought I would share some amazing information I recently found about the soul. The soul is a subject I have been deeply interested in for a long time. I have noticed that most people entertain thoughts about the soul and believe in one (certainly their own) but few know much at all about it. For many, the worst possible disparaging remark to make of another is to say they are “soulless.” There is actually a website online you can go to where you can unload your soul-literally get rid of it for a fee! (I’m not going to share the link because I think this is the silliest thing I’ve ever heard).
But aside from the silliness, some very interesting information has caught my eye regarding the Antahkarana, a Sanskrit word for “Rainbow Bridge” -a conduit or pathway to the higher self. The suggestion is that the Antahkarana is a cord which starts as a single strand of light connecting the soul to the mind of God or Source. This is also “consciousness.” Further strands grow through meditation creating a nurturing relationship with the soul- which has always been with us (we are our soul) but may seem distant or invisible. Meditation literally adds fibers to the strand as we recognize our true self and not our appendages (physical body, material world, ego, etc.)
Meditation allows us to experience our soul directly. Now that we have connected to the Antahkarana we can build on this strand in two additional ways; through selfless service and through abstract thought, especially those abstractions which remind us of the unity of all things. Finally there is an expression that “to find the path one must become the path.” Outward activity and life choices we make are not as important as the inner consistent work of being authentic, loving and guided by a higher purpose. The outer life in this regard becomes a representation of our level of consciousness.
So the next time you feel the urge to meditate, perhaps you’ll think of these strands of light being wound deeply around each other as your soul strands and know that you are doing yourself a world of good towards higher consciousness.
This month’s special from is 50.00 for a 50 minute Mediumship Reading till April 17th

Thank you for all your generous support!

Love and Light- Margaret Saxon

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Consciously Connecting to the Akasha

Here are some tips for connecting  to the Akasha once again as a review and also to add new things I have learned throughout this (long) winter.
If the Akasha is a massive archive storing all that has materialized in human history (even pre-history) then anything is available to us.

Did you know that the Library of Alexandria- the premier library of the ancient world burned by Julius Caesar’s Roman conquest of Egypt in 48 BC still exists in the Akasha! How do we reach the manuscripts, images, sculptures, that were destroyed? Through the Akasha and our connection to it. Is this possible to retrieve lost information from so long ago? It is possible for individuals to visit this information. Some of today’s most famous channelers may be connecting to ancient wisdom. At any rate, no matter what century you are interested in, connecting to the Akasha can be an edifying, inspiring, surprising, and amazing experience. A few (more) tips:

  • Nature in any of its forms; a tree, a plant, a field, a sky, a leaf, “ boosts the signal” for connecting with the Akasha, so if you can be outside, great, if not looking out a window or holding some nature object can help.

  •    Moving yourself from worldly concerns, finding that space in your head where you are not thinking too much (otherwise expressed as a beta state in the brain) will help insure you have a more “complete circuit” to the Akasha.

  • .   I like to visualize the akasha as an infinitely- detailed spider web which branches in all directions from its center. Each strand is strong but delicate, each strand is connected and supportive of all other strands-there is no hierarchy- only unity.

If looking for specific information, write it down or think ahead of time of what you are enquiring about. This allows the Akasha to unfold for you in other such as; through dreams, imagination, art, ritual (i.e. lighting candles) or in that stage just before sleep. The Akasha doesn’t have to present itself only through focused attention. But you intention should be based on a desire to connect to it.
thanks for reading-
find the complete course at Navigating the Psychic Field
find me at    Margaret Saxon

Saturday, January 11, 2014

EVP -Recording Spirit Voices-Where Belief Matters

Well, I've gone out on a limb a little in that I read an amazing book called " Talking to the Dead" by Michael Noory and now I have the inspiration to try some spirit recordings. Apparently two components which make it more feasible are medium abilities and belief that it can happen.( Close minded people need not attempt this). So far I have made three recordings of about 4 minutes each. The first one has an odd artifact on it ( to use a term from EEG technology). It sounds a bit like " hello" or is at least a two- phoneme sound, but it has a sweeping, muffled effect and does not really sound like a voice. Yet it is in the middle of the recording right after I ask a question and the logical question to ask is "if it's not a voice -what made that sound? I did get some odd low Hz sounds when the fridge clicked on in the middle of a recording but this is not related to that sweeping sound which lasts only a second.  So I will keep trying and if anyone is interested -there is tons of literature out there on how to create an electronic voice phenomena recording. As a medium, I KNOW it's possible, even probable and you could spend a lifetime reading other's results or you can just try it yourself. If you need a primer,  you might start with Noory's book .Also don't fool with it,, be respectful, serious, and cautious. Say a prayer before you begin and keep your intentions high-minded. I think you all know what I mean by this-spirit communications is not for dredging up evil or serving your ego. Since I know there is life after death, or another dimension from which the dead communicate I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I make voice contact.
What will I do with a bona fide contact? MMM... I like the way I communicate with spirits already so not much other than to appreciate a new experience. Or who knows... maybe I will connect with an amazing poet who has passed like William Butler Yeats and he  will guide me on the path to being a first -rate poet myself. Or perhaps I'll connect to Kandinsky and he can teach me to paint ( which I have no talent for as of yet). If I could connect with anyone it would be my parents to thank them for all they did for me to keep me safe and well in my young life and to ask whether I will see them again. Find me at  or take my class "Navigating the Psychic Field " at The class is a great way to attune your own psychic powers, learn to focus and learn to use your intention more clearly. My site has some interesting offers-Till the 19th of January a Life-Path reading of the past, present and future with strategies to get you unstuck  and move you forward into this amazing new year at a reduced price. Bye for now-