Well, I've gone out on a limb a little in that I read an amazing book called " Talking to the Dead" by Michael Noory and now I have the inspiration to try some spirit recordings. Apparently two components which make it more feasible are medium abilities and belief that it can happen.( Close minded people need not attempt this). So far I have made three recordings of about 4 minutes each. The first one has an odd artifact on it ( to use a term from EEG technology). It sounds a bit like " hello" or is at least a two- phoneme sound, but it has a sweeping, muffled effect and does not really sound like a voice. Yet it is in the middle of the recording right after I ask a question and the logical question to ask is "if it's not a voice -what made that sound? I did get some odd low Hz sounds when the fridge clicked on in the middle of a recording but this is not related to that sweeping sound which lasts only a second. So I will keep trying and if anyone is interested -there is tons of literature out there on how to create an electronic voice phenomena recording. As a medium, I KNOW it's possible, even probable and you could spend a lifetime reading other's results or you can just try it yourself. If you need a primer, you might start with Noory's book .Also don't fool with it,, be respectful, serious, and cautious. Say a prayer before you begin and keep your intentions high-minded. I think you all know what I mean by this-spirit communications is not for dredging up evil or serving your ego. Since I know there is life after death, or another dimension from which the dead communicate I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I make voice contact.
What will I do with a bona fide contact? MMM... I like the way I communicate with spirits already so not much other than to appreciate a new experience. Or who knows... maybe I will connect with an amazing poet who has passed like William Butler Yeats and he will guide me on the path to being a first -rate poet myself. Or perhaps I'll connect to Kandinsky and he can teach me to paint ( which I have no talent for as of yet). If I could connect with anyone it would be my parents to thank them for all they did for me to keep me safe and well in my young life and to ask whether I will see them again. Find me at www.eathwindskye.com or take my class "Navigating the Psychic Field " at www.dailyom.com. The class is a great way to attune your own psychic powers, learn to focus and learn to use your intention more clearly. My site has some interesting offers-Till the 19th of January a Life-Path reading of the past, present and future with strategies to get you unstuck and move you forward into this amazing new year at a reduced price. Bye for now-
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