Wednesday, August 28, 2013


While trying new methods to improve my own remote viewing  abilities, I came across some amazing tutorials at You Tube. I am interested in anything which pertains to gathering  information from other than traditional mediums. I am interested in consciousness as a medium.
 I am constantly practicing and trying to perfect my own clairvoyance. Merriam Webster defines clairvoyance as " the  ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception "This  would seem to acknowledge that there are the five senses but that to be of a clairvoyant quality other senses( for perceiving) are engaged. I believe we as humans  are able access other senses( call it the 6th, 7th , and 8th senses ) all the time when we see, hear or sense things before they occur.
   I have found that deep focus is a necessary requirement for accurate , reliable clairvoyance. To enhance my own ability to focus deeply on a subject , I  require a quiet place, an uninterrupted space, deep breathing, and a short ( ten minute) meditation session. This clears out whatever thoughts are rambling about in my head and allows me to choose what I want to focus on rather than have my current mind- chatter pervade my thoughts.
I would like to say that Attention is the most important requirement in clairvoyance, followed by belief that you can attain results, and an open and honest mind  which constantly tests the outcome of your inquiry.  I am teaching a class on "Navigating the Psychic Field for Personal Transformation" which will have elements to help one achieve better attention skills. Find out more at

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