Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gestation Crates and Reincarnation

I recently learned that in the business of raising pigs for human consumption, the female pigs live 80% of their lives  in a crate which is 2 feet wide and 7 feet long. These crates are called "gestation crates." The  pregnant female pigs can't move or even lie down and they can go mad from the stress. New Jersey is awaiting the governor' vote on this( Chris Christy) and  in New Jersey most legislators have voted to ban the practice.  There has been an uproar of people observing " they can't even turn around!" and proponents of the practice are so insensitive that they ask -"did anyone ask the pig if he wanted to turn around?" The crate is so small that the pig can only always stand in one position and not even be able to lie down. What if this were turned on the pig farmers, say in their next reincarnation?  What if they were forced to live their entire life incarcerated in a 2x7 foot cage as a pig themselves?( The ugliest thing about a pig is the manner in which  they are raised by callous humans).
 I don't know everything about reincarnation ( no one does) but I feel certain that a person's actions in this life reflect their soul growth AND what joy and well-being they will experience in the next. Some believe that in reincarnation you always evolve upward but that seems to be tied into the science of evolution: from less complex life -forms to more  complex life forms( an ameba vs. an elephant). My personal observation from past-life readings I have done is that there are many young souls out there who haven't inhabited a human body past just one reincarnation ( their present one). Why wouldn't it be possible to incarnate into a simpler form of life if the best way for someone to learn compassion might be to suffer as those you torture have( in this case pigs)?So pig farmers everywhere- beware your condescending attitude towards animal lovers and the pigs themselves. While you already manifest many qualities we ascribe to pigs( hoarding behavior, gluttony) to actually live the tortured life of a gestating pig might be just the thing to teach you compassion and respect for other creatures. And if you are a politician you already know that what goes around comes around.
For more on this national travesty read:


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Numinosity-The Sacred in Everyday Life

Numinosity -The Sacred in Everyday Life

 “Numinosity” is a word I created from the root word “numinous” and means having an awareness of things of a divine, supernatural, or sacred nature. Each of us are connected to the sacred and are capable of experiencing it every day. 

Think back to the last time that you were amazed by something that you witnessed; a shimmering rainbow, a highly synchronistic event, a stroke of divine providence. Besides being surprised, do you remember the feelings of awe or gratitude you felt? Numinous events in our lives are the glue that holds the world together (and not the Internet).

Numinosity is the deliberate attention to the sacred all around us.  In the act of noticing sacred events around us, we live more dynamic lives and connect to our own divinity. We appreciate everything around us with a greater sense of excitement and joy. Numinous events do not happen because we are watching and waiting for them- they happen all the time. But they are not subject to human law or the “Law of Attraction.”   We cannot “call” numinous events to us just like we (under ordinary circumstances) can’t call the wind. But by being open and with greater awareness and regard for the sacred quality of existence, we can experience numinous events more often. You also need to safeguard your experiences.

You might note that in our culture (in the U.S.) that reference to the numinous is often ridiculed by the media. Also, many aspects of present- day culture contaminate the numinous (when was the last time you sat to meditate and had your cell phone ring?). We can also experience a sort of contamination when we share with acquaintances our deeply moving numinous experiences and they miss the point and doubt us. It might be a good idea to shield yourself from casual scrutiny and hold your numinous experiences in a “sacred space”- keep a journal, record the event, or even create an artful expression of it like a drawing or painting.

Your life experiences are a signature of your uniqueness. Numinosity can give you a greater regard for the mystery and the miracle of all life. What could be more fulfilling than exercising numinosity each day?

An exercise for enhancing your own numinosity:

Sit in one place for 5 minutes with your phone off, and in silence. Allow your aura (that subtle energy field around your body) to expand. Feel it osmose outward to connect with surrounding atoms and molecules. Breathe deeply. Relax your throat, shoulders, neck, arms, hands, torso, legs, and feet. Let your attention drift to your environment; the sense of deep relaxation which allows you to breathe deeper, the well-being emanating from your body in this quiet space.  Now choose one thing in your auric field to focus on: a glass, a flower, a paper clip-any one thing. Disassemble this object as if you were breaking it down molecule by molecule. Let its parts scatter from the center outward. For a moment it may seem that the object has disappeared, at least in spirit. Then reconnect all the parts and bring the object back to wholeness. The idea is to connect to the subtle energy of one thing and eventually to everything around you a bit at a time. As we note the subtle energy of objects in physical reality, we can see how an object changes each moment into its numinous essence (because all things have a sacred essence).That glass, that flower, that paper clip, will never seem the same again. The awareness you just experienced will promote your ability to note subtle changes which always presage a numinous event. To finish your exercise in numinosity take a few deep deep breaths and feel gratitude or just say “thank you” to the Universe for allowing your participation in appreciating the subtle energy of a sacred object. Time to get up and move around; walk, dance, do a yoga pose! 

The above excerpt is part of a class called “Numinosity: Your Connection to the Sacred” which I will be offering in the future.
Have a Thanksgiving Season filled with Blessings-

Margaret Saxon –