Friday, May 9, 2014

Do Our Emotions Effect Our DNA?

While having a seriously quiet and peaceful day I embarked on the challenge of finishing a book about physics I picked up called" The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden. He and other leading- edge New Age thinkers are asking whether our emotions effect our DNA ( for at least 10 years).I won't cite experiments that show this DOES happen but I would like to affirm how many different ways this makes sense and explains A LOT.
Like why anger tends to make people sick other than the obvious effects of  high blood pressure. Why distance healing by a positive agent( a spiritual healer who isn't charging mindless money)works. Why we can effect events in our lives simply through positive thoughts or even a simple positive mantra like " All Is Well."
Any of these effects can only be explained by acknowledging that the "divine" connection ( if you like ) which we all enjoy is the operative condition which makes seemingly disparate things effect each other endlessly. This divine connection is a "web like a spider web involving everything that exists( shamans have seen this web in traditional  Ayahuasca ceremonies) . You cannot be outside of it or loose your connection to it. And  so my fear about finances produces one response as it effects and reverberates through the web whereas my belief that everything will work out produces ( even influences ) another response . If this were true - then we would all go for the second choice-it's the same old "Power of Positive Thinking " over again. But how does one get into the mode where only positive thoughts exist and send positive vibrations outward?
At the center of your being ONLY positive thoughts about your existence exist. It's just trying to find that center through layers of "stuff" that's difficult for some. Meditation on a daily basis is the best way. Yoga also works. Communing with nature also works. Quiet is a really good conduit to connect to your self. But which ever approach you try, just know that everyone has a center and everyone can connect to it- to the end of finding that peaceful, life-affirming place where your soul abides and is connected to every other soul . Where there is healing and balance and no lack or fear. Where you can have the most positive effect on your DNA which you aid through your most positive thoughts.
Be Well- Margaret Saxon
Take my class at -" Navigating the Psychic Field"  for $1.00!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Is Kindness Linked to Optimal Use of the Brain?

I have been thinking about kindness recently and how much easier the day goes when I apply it whether it’s by speaking softly and lovingly to my dogs, being patient with the guy at Walmart while he locates my new tires, or when speaking to a client whose pain body is brilliantly “lit up” as they complain about how they are being treated.

 I have some new theories on how the brain operates. While in the past, I thought that feeling positive was best energetically for psychic work, I now think it’s possible that the positive energy works because it allows more of the brain to be utilized. Fear or anxiety may shut down valuable access to brain areas which are called upon for enhanced psychic work. New Age theory has for some time embraced the “positive energy theory” because it aligns to higher vibration (where angels, guides and spirits operate).While I would never discount our access to angels, guides and spirits, the explanation for feeling positive may be much simpler and may be connected to optimal use of neural pathways within our own brain. Current brain research shows that there are great variations in how much each of us uses of our brain, and vast differences between one person and another and how each uses their brain. I saw this when I worked in the neurology ward of a V.A. Hospital. This is especially true when people have experienced trauma. Their access to portions of the brain can actually be much more limited. Which is another good argument for meditation to “heal” and quiet the brain and centers like the limbic system and the hippocampus so these areas can “light up” as they formerly did. You can actually feel this “lit up” enhancement when you are having a really good day, feel supported, know that all is well, are looking forward to something and feeling grateful( constant attention to gratitude). The pace of outward activity may even become slower, while the brain is more active, equaling CONSCIOUSNESS. That elusive quality of consciousness that more and more of us are attending to is the link between our bodies and others and between ourselves and God  which some call Source Energy).

So the next day you are able to apply some purposeful kindness; let someone ahead of you in line, help an elderly person with their groceries, speak kindly with someone who is having a bad day and feel how more of your brain lights up. If done consistently, imagine the streaming effects of using more areas of the brain at once and where that might lead for each of you. And if you don’t have time to work on your consciousness right now, you can always call me to help you answer your questions about the future.

Blessings to all-

Margaret Saxon

Is There Good and Evil in the Akasha?

Good and Evil in the Akasha?

Is there good and evil in the Akasha? Well, yes, but that is not a classification system used in the Akasha. In other words you can’t search for “Top Ten Evil Deeds” and get an answer in the Akasha. Interesting how everything becomes very personal in the Akasha, so you could search for your own top ten best deeds by your name alone and you could encounter them and of course judge them for yourself (or not judge yourself, your choice). I asked this question because I encounter people in my work (sometimes) who still use terms like “evil” to describe people around them and I began to ask how the akasha classifies “evil.” Words like “good” and “evil” suggest morality in a religious, even Christian sense. The Akasha does not align with religious precepts but rather with physics and physical reality. In the same way that understanding the “Big Bang Theory” does not include biblical study. Just as a good library shows all points of view through its holdings so does the Akasha show a complete documentation of all that has occurred, all that is occurring and all that will occur. But if the information is classified by subject matter, it is more easily found by use of a personal name. (Just like it’s easier to find a book if you know the author).  I always use my given name as it appears on my birth certificate when accessing information  around and about myself while others who work in the Akasha prefer different “search terms”  such as legal name, married name, etc. My experience is that the person I was named as at birth is the most recognizable part of me. This applies to the Akasha, and to working with guides, spirits, Teachers, and Masters. But isn’t it amazing how easily one can connect to the Akasha with the use of a name? If you haven’t tried it, take some time to take a class on connecting to the Akasha or review my class on “Navigating the Psychic Field” to connect to future events. How amazing that the Universe manages data somewhat like a search engine, making it accessible to all with a little training.

This month’s Special is any reading I offer on my site for $50.00 for 50 minutes. This includes Psychic Medium Readings, Worthiness Package, Life-Path Readings, and Pet Readings.


Margaret Saxon