Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mantras for Abundance in the Coming Season

I always use mantras of abundance to soothe my soul and keep me thinking very positively. Whenever I focus on a mantra, whether for love, money, well-being or perfect health, it seems that my thoughts create correspondence in the world. Whenever I don't actively think and speak mantras, I notice the difference. My business goes quiet, my mood gets sullen, I slow down like someone who is purposeless, and other small inconveniences occur. From a larger view, I think these positive affirmations prevent misery and devastation in my life.

 I used to read tarot cards and there is a card called the Tower, a major arcana card which depicts a burning building and is frightful as a promise of some terrible trouble; car breaks down, house burns, someone becomes ill, etc. But using my mantras and staying positive, I can honestly say these things never happen to me anymore. Since I’ve changed my thinking, and saying mantras does change my thinking from the inside out, NOTHING bad has happened to me (although I still witness the sadness around me from devastating storms and other tragedies). My favorite mantras use strong and forceful verbs. I say “money is pouring into my life” or “creativity is flowing.” I say “amazing possibilities are presenting themselves to me” or “I live in amazing gratefulness for all that life gives me.” I could go on, but the point is words have meaning  which may be why bards of old were considered to be like priests as they manipulated words and their meanings for the good of the community. Try placing an action verb like flowing, pouring, flying with a noun for something you want more of in your life. Say "money flies into my bank account” or “opportunities power forth into my life”

Make up your own, remembering that besides money, wealth, and success- generosity, opportunity, beauty, love, appreciation harmony and gratitude are worth bringing to mind. I guarantee these mantras will make a difference in your life.
Writing this piece and thinking of the power of positive words, a call just came in to inform me of something really good.

Find me at or take my class at daily om called “Navigating the Psychic Field.”


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Learning to Navigate the Psychic Field Class Coming up Shortly

 With my eight years of experience doing psychic readings professionally, I have recently compiled a class to teach at This class will become available on November 19th, 2013.
I developed this class because I am always surprised by the overtly trusting people who call me for psychic readings. They trust that everything in their future is mapped out for them. They frequently believe that I know everything about them as soon as we begin speaking. They put their entire life in my hands , so to speak , in such a way that I worry  that if they had called someone with less integrity they could easily have been  misinformed ,misdirected, or worse, exploited.(It's a heavy responsibility for an serious psychic but I have been tested).
When I read for people, I tend to tell them when I don't have an answer to their question. If you've ever had a psychic reading and your psychic knew everything with  absolute certainty, as you by now probably know , he/she was a fake. HOWEVER, I am able to connect to valuable information about the client because I have trained myself  to focus, to empathize and to read other's energy from a distance accurately. That is essentially what I teach in the class. That, plus  how to use your own viewing screen to visualize and record the data which presents itself as you become an adept psychic. A well-trained scientific mind would ask " how can data which hasn't happened yet present itself?" Take the class at  to discover how this is possible. I get into the physics of psychic readings, I explain the Akasha or Psychic Field and I show you how to navigate it. I also include ten- plus exercises for you to practice to help you become better  at visualizing, setting intention, using your intuition, recording in a journal, and connecting to the Akasha. I know this class can be helpful to you if:
  1. You would like to be more psychic.
  2. If you have ever depended on another to read your future.
  3. If you are having trouble aligning your life as you want it to be.
  4. If you don't trust your intuition.
  5. If you don't know how to begin to do psychic readings but think you would be good at it.
  6. If you have ever felt empathically connected to others without knowing why. 

I have plenty of experience  and have read for thousands of clients and I know my techniques can be beneficial for the novice to learn more about entering the Psychic Field and returning with reliable information. I hope you will join me on November 19th at to learn to Navigate the Psychic Field.
You can also contact me at -my website with your questions or concerns.