Saturday, September 21, 2013

Creativity and the Soul

Some would say that the soul has nothing to do with psychic ability, but I disagree. The soul is the most psychic part of yourself. And just as you feed plants, and children, yourself and your pets you must feed your soul. One way to do that is through creative projects that enable you to be completely absorbed in the moment. This means not thinking of tomorrow or earlier conversations in the day nor  analyzing situations within your life tapestry hoping for the best possible result. It means focus right there in the moment. It can also entail action such as when one surfs, or dances, or sculpts, or bakes a cake but the focus part is that part which "signs you in" closer to yourself( and your soul) at least for a few minutes.
 I recently made some jewelry( Tree of Life Pendants) and they required some intense focus especially when beading some tiny beads to the silver wire branches and securing these to the pendant's frame. The whole body must be absorbed to complete the project; neck ,arms, hands, fingers, eyes, breathe. How lucky we are to have this physical experience and note what true full body experience is!  I hope all of you have something you love to do ( other than your work) which gives you the chance to focus. Your soul loves this. How do I know ? Because of the sense of calm which envelopes the work and which persists through the rest of the day. The soul is nothing if not calm in its truest state. Be well and find me at

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Synchronicity and the New Synchronicity

Synchronicity -(Psychology) an apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are causally unrelated
[coined by Carl Jung from synchronic + -ity]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Most people have heard the term synchronicity and many equate it with magical significance, or at least give it a new age reference. But consider this; if we are all connected in the Akasha , our thoughts and  intentions: past, present and future, then of course meaningful coincidences will continuously churn forth in our lives. It is meaningful , but not because related incidents happen but because these coincidences are part of a larger picture, a related picture which we are all partaking in.
A most recent coincidence for me was when I started lining up my fall schedule and noted three or four allusions to the book I should be working on and finishing. First I came across an index card with a note for the book on the floor. Then I began moving things about in the living room and three books on the subject matter of my book came up. Then I received some  stories authored by my son who has always been one of my greatest inspirations for writing, and finally I got a message from a guide telling me to get a pen out and write. While the last event may not be an event at all but my subconscious telling me to get to it-they are all meaningful coincidences. Fortunately, these happen to each of us each day if we are paying attention and these events help to entrain our future possibilities. I say possibilities because I don't have to ever finish that book, I may not ( I really will) so right now the reminders are part of a field of possibilities .If you are wondering how this relates to psychic ability just work with me a moment. Nothing happens that we don't create, either here and now, through our upbringing or before birth as a contract for learning this time around. If a contract , even that can be altered, but mainly I want to say that our envisioning an event is the surest way to make it happen. That is why you must always be positive and possess only the best thoughts for your future whether it be today's or next year's. Try an exercise:
Envision something simple for tomorrow that doesn't usually happen. Your boyfriend takes you out to dinner and he pays, you buy a lotto ticket and win a few bucks, you hope a certain person will call and imagine their voice in conversation with you. Do it 20 times per day and you are creating that event. Just try it, but keep it simple. Remember also, that while you are creating connections between the things you want , others are as well. This does not mean we are in competition for the same things! It means that some things are set in order to happen like a tapestry woven together of which we individuals are the threads and without very conscious intention to change them, they will happen(because we are woven together). A bit like a mousetrap, with a spring- some things are already set. This is destiny and though not an inescapable situation, once a thing is wound up to happen it takes extra energy to release the spring and prevent this. can you envision any world events that behave like this? The other quality for unwinding the spring is consciousness. at any moment being aware of the reality of the situation around you and not being carried off by illusion. Buddhists would say this world is all illusion. I agree that a greater part of it is. But at the core, the center of each of us there is something real, it's not the " I think, therefore I am" premise I am referring to. It's the Soul who watches over each of us even as we  text, drive, work, run, eat, converse. Our soul is always connected to us and always our best possibility of relating to all other creatures on earth and connecting us to the divine. The soul is a big subject... more on that next time. Find me at