Saturday, April 2, 2016

Believe in Your Own Prosperity!

As a member of the self -employed work-force, I expect there to be an ebb and flow in my business. I have learned to relish the busy times and to refuel my energy reserves during the quiet times. I know I am continuously supported and nourished by my Spirit Guides. The support is like an ocean of waves that crest and fall but never cease to reach the shore.

How can we know prosperity is for all? It is a promise that comes to us at birth. We control it and we can change its patterns through our thoughts. As we communicate our intention through our own higher self, we attract the qualities which lead to enhanced prosperity. Some of these (and there are many) include expectation, organization, effort, training, acquisition of new tools and continuous gratitude for all the gifts we receive. But I think the most important quality is to have superior mental attitude. Always expect a positive outcome.

I once had a reading from a very wise man who asked me to write down ten things I wanted. I began to write and felt embarrassed as if I was asking for too much. He asked me “Why would you think you could ask for something and not be given it?” I remembered that for years afterward and began to ask and receive more of what I wanted in life. Why indeed would we be given the volition to ask but not receive? So trust that prosperity is your birthright, is always there for you, and is a continuous quality that emanates from within you as a superior mental attitude.
Find me and the services I provide at

Thursday, March 10, 2016



I have recently re-discovered how valuable silence is in our lives. Silence contributes wholly to our ability to focus. With silence we are able to hear our inner voice and provide direction for our internal compass.

Silence is necessary to hear our own Soul Voice, the one that tells us we are fine and well and that nothing will impede our continued progress on the spiritual level.

Our sense of self is restored in silence, and if we are aware, in silence we can edit all criticism, all outer voices. We know ourselves and what is in our highest good best in moments of silence.

Silence is also where new ideas spring from; it is the well of creativity. Fresh ideas form in the space you create when you allow for silence.

Silence can even bestow a night of vivid dreams for your psyche compared to the cacophony of sounds that may otherwise accompany us to bed from listening to television, music, or radio.

Connecting to Guides or if you are so inclined, angels and spirits is best done in silence. Their messages can be subtle and are meant to be so as not to intrude on your outer life. Silence acts as a conductor in the process of receiving messages and you are more likely to trust the result.

If you haven’t committed some time for silence in your life –note what you might be missing and try a little silence each day.
Find me at - see my monthly specials there and the services I provide.
Margaret Saxon- Psychic -Medium

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Art of Calling

We call everything into our life through our words. Words are magic and laden with meaning.  For that reason we should ALWAYS choose our words well and engage them in the service of our loftiest thoughts.  I always ask people to change their wording about issues that trouble them to orient toward the outcome they want instead of the issue they have. A simple example would be: “I have a bad back” which could instead be expressed as “my back is healing.”
Words are also “peacemakers” and can sow relationships together or rend them apart. Clearly, words that disparage or malign another person are not sowers of relationship but rather reapers of destruction.
Words were the tools of poets and bards for thousands of years by which they chronicled narratives of past actions, named valuable traits honored by the community, and cited events yet to come. Recitation was a form of calling as any poet will tell you.
Using words pregnant with special and profound meaning can turn a story into an epic, a question into a certainty, a desire into manifestation.
This is especially true in how we use words to call in love and relationship.
I know someone who likes to make over-the top claims like: “My life is ruined!” and other hyperbolic announcements. This never seems to make his situation better but holds him in suspension. Cavemen painted on walls to create the desired effect- the story of what they wanted to have happen. Therefore the cave paintings weren’t of a man being eaten by a huge boar but rather depicted him triumphant in the hunt. If early man could know that how could we not?
So “calling” is a way of using words to evoke magic. Even the word “calling” itself has a quality of “echoing outward.” In Old Norse " kalla" meant "to cry loudly." Another early meaning for calling from the mid-13th century was "to give a name to.” Giving a name to what you want to happen is the creative aspect of making it happen.
So be especially careful in your choice of words .Even when calling in your love, do it with passionate abandonment, desire, and deep sincerity, knowing that your call will be answered. Also keep the call simple- 10-15 words will do- “My love is coming to me now with endless possibilities for shared happiness and intimacy.
Always be conscious of the narrative you create for your life because words are pronouncements and as if they were clay, shape the world of being.

Margaret Saxon- Psychic-Medium

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Spring Stars and Water

It seems that the stars in springtime have a different character than other times of year. They are brighter and flicker more. Like white lanterns in the distance their light shines brighter, then dims and shines brighter again. I recently read about this phenomena and it seems the flickering is because of the moisture and wind currents in the air between us and the stars. I think of the unfathomable distance my mind has to travel “to be with a star” and I think of how happy I am to reside on the earth.

 As I watch the stars so many light years away, I hear the water rushing below me in the glen to pour downstream, meeting the lake below. Sometimes the water can barely be contained in the lake basin but still it flows downward. Nothing can stop its power and force. Nothing stops being of its true nature whether star, nor water, nor wind. I think this is true for humans as well. Our true nature never stops being. I have noted this even in the personalities of passed spirits- they keep their true nature in all beauty/ perfection and imperfection. Spirits as part of nature waiver and flicker but like lanterns remain lighted for us to see so many distances away.

Spoken by a medium-.


Manifesting -How to Do It and Get Results

 Through my work in counseling, I have recently been noting how people are manifesting their desires, what seems to be working, what doesn’t seem to be working, and what methods are most effective. The reason this is important to me is that I am always sharing future visions with people of what they want and I usually become invested in helping them get what they want. So I have some observations to report:
1.    Most everyone I speak to about their goals and desires know what they want at least in the time-frame they arbitrarily set for their goal.     
2.     Frequently, there is an interruption in applying energy (work) to what they want which disrupts the plan and can result in ultimate failure.
3.    Organizing principles which assign the next step or series of steps are usually overlooked in the process of creating a design because the designing phase is SO MUCH FUN!  (the design is your manifestation only if it comes to fruition).

The example of what I see very often in readings of people’s manifestation status is this:
“If the universe wants my desire to manifest then it will and I will watch from over here.” This is an old take on “if it’s meant to be- it will happen” (Qui Sera Sera-).

From my vantage point as a psychic and from my personal experience of manifesting, this is a little like this metaphor of “Building a Ship in a Bottle.”

You assemble all the proper tools i.e. pliers, scissors, tape measure, glue, you gather the kit- the ship’s materials i.e., mast, body of the boat, sail, and then you lay them down just outside the bottle and go to bed dreaming about your desire.
This approach lacks an execution stage- the actual painstaking work involved in finding a job, starting a business, buying a home, finding a life partner. There is a belief in metaphysical circles that “if you can see it you can be it” but metaphysics falls short here… you must include an execution stage. Without combining all the stages of this endeavor; planning, gathering information, gathering of materials, and painstakingly and meticulously doing the work of  building -you will rest just outside the bottle and never see your ship assembled- your dream manifested.

There is another stage which is essential and which carries you through the entire task to its completion- I’ll call it integrity. This is a pledging to yourself alone that you will consistently put all the energy required into reaching your goal. The required amount of energy may change and you have to stay connected to these changes and adapt as you move forward. You may have to change your energy input as the situation dictates and work harder than you thought possible but never give up (unless you want to learn a different lesson). If it’s manifestation you want you can never say “well I guess I didn’t want that goal so much after all -it was too hard…

So help yourself get to the next stage of your manifestation and try the steps I cited above starting with committing your own integrity to the task at hand.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Life Patterns and "Changing Up"

This month I’m writing about a trend I see in all my readings. No matter the age, quality of life, or economic status, EVERYONE seems to have a pattern in their lives which they have entrained themselves to and which guides, binds, directs, and informs their future. It seems to be operating all the time and this is not a negative thing but certainly a binding one. In Hindu this pattern is called “samsara.”

Samsara is seen as an endless cycle of life and illusion from which devout Hindus seek liberation. For our purposes, I like to use the metaphor that each of us lives in a unique “soul room” surrounded by a unique wallpaper and though each wallpaper is tailored to our personal soul growth, the design has a repetitious pattern- this, no matter what we do. There is also a quality of illusion to the patterns we experience here on the earth plane.

 But surely we can change the pattern of our desires and what we manifest? I know it is an age-old question and I know that I don’t see any evidence of it from my readings or in my personal life. If we can’t change the pattern, maybe the lesson is broader and deeper… maybe we are supposed to learn through illusive means; the bigger house, the healthier relationship ,the brighter job prospects, each are something we  spin out wheels to produce in life, missing all other input that may cross our path. Zen Buddhism has an answer to this dilemma which is to live in the moment. Hinduism holds that you believe in the illusion ( Maya ) of your  free will and desire because you believe you are an autonomous being and separate from your karma and the cycle of birth and rebirth ( death too).To Hindus, awareness of the pattern is freedom from it.

 Changing up” the pattern we are experiencing for something better (and by better I mean more whole, more peaceful, more fulfilling)   and doing this all our lives may be the highest good the average person (i.e. without becoming a monk) can do. This “changing up” can only come from realization-AWARENESS of the pattern which keeps reappearing. Since it began as a thought, a seed of longing, the sought- after item grows as we nourish it with our hopes, prayers, and visions and sometimes in our dreams. It grows large and ever present – it becomes a pattern in our lives, every single day of our lives we encounter aspects of it until at some point we become aware and realize the persistent pattern and turn to call its name. At that moment - poof!  We recognize it was not real, it is Maya, spurious, false- whatever term you prefer and on that day we are free of the pattern. We have broken through! Through our awareness, we see the pattern for the illusion it is and the sought- after item we so anticipated having simply dissolves. And because of our increased awareness this is not even painful. It feels like growth!

Now we are ready to create something new-“the change up.”   The new, sought- after item will not resemble the old one at all because you have grown so much. It will seem foreign at first and unreachable (that’s why it’s a change- up). The attempt to find more and reach further may be what constitutes spiritual growth in this life. And our ability to change the patterns of our lives constitutes a cycle of increased awareness which precedes our perfection as Soul beings.  Our new change -up makes us each uniquely special, human, and deserving of all the compassion our brothers and sisters on this earth can allow.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

The World Heart

In 2015, the people of the world are more connected than ever before in the history of the world.  Through our computers, cell phones, the Internet, and services provided such as email, texting, Skyping, Facebook, FaceTime, and hundreds of others and through high-speed travel, we are always connecting to someone. This would be a good year to be aware of your connection to the World Heart- the center of all compassion which we visit each day if we are fortunate enough to remain open and aware. This heart station which we all share is a point at the center of the world which records all our thoughts and actions. It is where the real and the ideal meet. It is the meeting point for the higher selves of this world. It is the meeting place for the best of humanity combined with all other sentient creatures.

There are many life choices which cost us our awareness of the World Heart. Some of these shield us from pain and others are meant to help us “focus” on our private concerns. This “focus” must be tempered or we lose our connection to the World Heart. Remaining aware of world events is one way to stay connected. Making an attempt to understand what others are receiving and experiencing in their lives is more than a gateway to our common humanity. It also helps us step out of our singular role of “self” and into the wider realm of “others.” Without an awareness of “others” we risk living a life of narcissism in which every video we view is about us, our individual needs, motivations, and desires. It may seem perfectly acceptable that every video you view has you as the main character but after a period of time, you realize that the video keeps rewinding and playing the same thing over and over again in repetition perhaps with a slightly different cast of characters but always with you as the “star”. The recognition of the repetition is a message from your soul, wanting a larger world view for you and your soul will persist in sending messages that contrast you alone, starring in your own movie, and you as part of a larger connection. Narcissism also feeds on itself. Like an animal caught in a trap who chews off its own leg to escape, narcissism binds us to incompleteness (the animal never stops chewing).Yet our awareness of self and others opens us to a wider world and a larger story and maintains our connection to the World Heart. Compassion, giving, and service are ways we can connect to the World Heart and escape from narcissism which threatens to wind over and over again the same life story.

When you feel another’s pain no matter how different or distant, when you allow your spirit to be touched by another’s story, when you speak up against injustice or cruelty, you have entered the World Heart. Then you are free to complete your journey through this life.

Happy Valentine's Day!              

Margaret Saxon-Psychic -Medium